
Please take some time to read about the Academics at Lighthouse Christian School.  You can click on any of the topics in the Table of Contents to find out more on that subject.  If you have any questions, you can call the office at 229-244-8436 and we would be happy to address any concerns that you may have.

I.     Introduction

A. Mission Statement

       To help parents train students to serve God by providing an excellent academic           education while developing areas of Christian leadership, respect, self-discipline, obedience, and patriotism

The mission of Lighthouse Christian School is to train young people to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to develop them to their fullest potential in all areas of life.  We are committed to being an extension of the Christian home; working closely with parents to train the whole child; training Christian youth in the highest principles of Christian leadership; and teaching Biblical doctrines of self-discipline, respect for those in authority, obedience to the law, and love for flag and country.

B.  Philosophy

The purpose of Lighthouse Christian School is to give the Christian parent an opportunity to obey the commands of Scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go…” and “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4). We exist as an extension of the Christian home in our society so that the Christian parent will not violate the Scripture which says, “Cease my son to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge” (Proverbs 19:27) and “learn not the way of the heathen…” (Jeremiah 10:2). There is no way for the Christian who is responsible for his children’s education to obey the Scripture apart from a Christian education, i.e., every subject taught according to the principles of and within the framework of the Word of God. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7).

The purpose of Lighthouse Christian School is to provide conditions whereby boys and girls can receive the Truth. Jesus instructed His disciples in John 8:32,“And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” Not only is it our objective to teach the Truth but also to teach our students how to apply the Truth wisely to their own lives. In John 16:13 we are promised that“…when He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all truth.”

Our Christian school has the responsibility to provide the best possible education. A Biblical viewpoint in the vital areas of life — spiritual growth, education, personal self-discipline, and patriotism — must be strongly stressed to each student during his years of training. We desire to minister to the needs of the whole child and to promote his spiritual and moral growth, academic and intellectual progress, and physical and social development.

Additionally, our Christian School is to be an extension of the Christian home and church, thus providing a continuity of training for Christian young people.  We, as Christian educators, desire to train each student to accept individual responsibility to God for his actions and challenge him to glorify God in every facet of his life.

Product Evaluation:

  1. Lighthouse Christian School is built on the philosophy that the Christian school is an integral part of the local church and an extension of the home. Lighthouse Christian School is one of many ministries of Lighthouse Baptist Church. The deacons and trustees of the church are the “Official School Board.”
  2. Our number one priority is a spiritual emphasis. This is accomplished in several ways:
  3. The Pastor (Under-Shepherd), Associate Pastor, and Youth Pastor influence the school in several ways. The Pastors speak regularly to the school faculty in order to exhort and remind them that they are working not for men, but for the Lord. Our Pastors likewise speak regularly in chapels.
  4. The Bible is held up as the only absolute rule for faith and practice. It has a direct influence on faculty, curriculum, social practices, and discipline. Each faculty member must agree with our Statement of Faith and be a Spirit-filled follower of Christ, representing God to the student. Textbooks and PACEs are corrected by the Bible, not the other way around. Subject and course content (curriculum) are selected based on how they contribute towards the goal of Christian service. Education is the means to an end, not an end in itself.
  5. The Administrator/Principal influences the spirituality of the school through daily prayer meetings and sharing of Scriptural principles with the faculty.
  6. Supervisors influence the spiritual atmosphere by having prayer before every class begins. They let students know God is present and watches all that we do. As they supervise activities, they ensure that the activities always have a spiritual emphasis. The Christian supervisor exercises authority over the student in order to serve the student in his quest for Christ-likeness.
  7. The textbooks, PACEs, and curriculum influence the spiritual atmosphere of the school. Supervisors are taught to think Scripturally in their learning centers. They should be able to define their subjects in the most basic language. They should know the Biblical source and origin for that subject. Likewise, they should know the Scriptural end and purpose for their discipline, be it music, language, math, or geography. Supervisors are taught to know the vocabulary of their subject in order to recognize the Scriptural references and illustrations.
  8. The students directly influence the spiritual atmosphere. We believe a “Christian School” must be made up of predominantly born-again students who willingly cooperate academically and spiritually. Students not only need to absorb spiritual truth, but must be given an outlet as well.
  9. The evaluation process is primarily accomplished by evaluating the product (the student).  Classroom supervisors are observed at various times throughout the year and evaluation reports given to them related to their Christian classroom teaching abilities, as well as their overall spiritual contribution to the school program. Lighthouse Christian School has won many awards at the Regional and International Student Competition every year of existence. Christian Evaluation Committees are invited periodically to evaluate whether we are meeting our goals. Supervisors require students to maintain notebooks in certain areas and occasionally do research papers in order to insure that independent thinking takes place and not only dependence upon the PACE (as in fill-in-the-blank). All these methods of evaluation are used to help us press toward God’s standards for us as a “Christian school.” We believe this standard is primarily “spiritual excellence” and that academic and social excellence, as well as souls won, are the natural by-products of this primary goal of reproducing a generation of Christians who want to live a holy life before God and win others to Christ.

Christian School vs. Non-Christian School:

Lighthouse Christian School is “Christian” in direction, purpose, and practices and completely differentiates from a non-Christian school for the following reasons:

C.  Goals/Objectives

  1. Direction (Goals of School)
  2. We want all of our students to be led to a personal acceptance of Christ as Savior. A non-Christian school ignores God and uplifts man.
  3. We encourage our students to be interested and consistent in their devotional life. Non-Christian schools teach self-assessment.
  4. We want each student to grow spiritually and become a well-balanced, Christ-like person. A non-Christian school is not concerned with a student’s spiritual life.
  5. We want students to know and love God’s Word and test all knowledge in light of the Bible. In a non-Christian school, the Bible is not allowed to be used for any purpose.
  6. We want students to respond according to Bible principles and not according to “feelings.” Non-Christian schools teach students to do what feels best.
  7. We want the student to be loyal to Christ in all things and at all times. The non-Christian school teaches loyalty to self or peers.
  8. We want the student to yield his body as an instrument of God’s use. The non-Christian school teaches students to prepare for vocations that can best support them materially.
  9. We want all our students to further their education at fundamental Christian colleges and universities. The non-Christian schools promote secular universities.
  10. Purpose (Purpose of School)
  11. We want parents to obey the Scriptural command to “bring up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” The non-Christian school’s purpose is to train a student to fit into society.
  12. We want children to be taught every subject according to the principles of and within the framework of the Bible. The non-Christian school cannot do this without supervisors who know the Lord as Savior and teach His Word in conjunction with their discipline.
  13. Methods of Practices (Doctrinal Statement)
  14. All Lighthouse Christian School supervisors must represent God before the students and are encouraged to be church members at Lighthouse Baptist Church.  Non-Christian schools have supervisors of all beliefs and “unbeliefs.”
  15. The Bible is held up as the only absolute rule for faith and practice. It influences everything we do and think. Non-Christian schools have no absolutes.
  16. Textbooks that are Christian in content are used. Secular textbooks, if used, and the humanistic philosophies contained therein are corrected by the Word of God. “Let God be true and every man a liar.” Non-Christian schools honor the ungodly authors of secular textbooks and consider the Christian writer narrow-minded and uneducated.
  17. We expect students to live above reproach showing respect to God, country, family, faculty, and fellow students. Criticism, griping, and uncooperative attitudes are therefore not tolerated. Non-Christian schools are a hotbed of rebellion against authority. Immorality and loose living are not punished, but rather, winked at.
  18. Dress Codes are maintained considering modesty: boys and girls dress to fit their gender and identify with the people of God, not the people of the world. This means girls wear skirts and dresses and boys dress neatly. The non-Christian school generally has no dress codes and encourages the philosophy of “do your own thing” by having minimal restrictions.
  19. Parents and students are expected to cooperate spiritually, academically, and in matters of conduct and discipline. In a non-Christian school, the poor attitude of not trying one’s best is looked upon as the norm rather than the exception.

D.  History                                

1.  Lighthouse Christian School was started in July of 1983 as a ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church to serve eight children from the church families.  In June 1983, Lighthouse Baptist Church was started with twelve people in an old rented house in Remerton, Georgia.  In January of 1984 the Church was given five acres of land on Bemiss Road from the former Tabernacle Baptist Church.  In April of 1984, the church and school was moved to its permanent location at 4565 Bemiss Road.  The ministries of Lighthouse Baptist Church include a Children’s Church Ministry, Youth Program, Music Ministry, Mission Program that literally reaches around the world, an Adult Educational Program, Sunday Bible School, Christian School, Christian Daycare, Visitation Program, along with three weekly Worship Services.

  1. From its beginning in July of 1983 serving eight students from the church, Lighthouse Christian Ministry now serves over 100 families annually through the school, daycare and church ministries from throughout the community and neighboring areas.  The purpose of Lighthouse Christian School is to provide a Christ-centered organization dedicated to leading people to a voluntary commitment to the Lordship of Christ, and to develop each person’s God-given spiritual, physical, mental, social and artistic gifts to the fullest potential. The facilities have been expanded throughout the years to accommodate church, school and daycare growth.

II.     Curriculum Development

A.  Personnel

The school staff is primarily responsible for the curriculum used at Lighthouse Christian School.  The school board is responsible for making operating policies of the school and is made up of Christian laymen (deacons and trustees) and our pastor here at Lighthouse Baptist Church. The school board is a policy-making body that governs the school; the administrator is responsible for the operation of the school. The final word and the final decision on curriculum development rest in the hands of the school’s staff, administrator and the pastor who reserve the right to make any changes which seem necessary for the general welfare of the school.

B.  Course Selection

Lighthouse Christian School has used the Accreditation Christian Education curriculum since 1983 as its major core curriculum.  The curriculum includes five major academic disciplines: mathematics, English, social studies, science, and Word Building (traditionally called spelling). Each PACE curriculum subject contains 144 PACEs beginning with Level 1 (PACE 1001) and ending with Level 12 (PACE 1144). The exceptions to this are math (which contains 132 PACEs) and Word Building (which concludes at the end of the ninth level at PACE 1108).  In order to teach the student to take responsibility for their own learning a Score Key is provide to each student for each PACE so the student can check his own work.

Each curriculum grade level course consists of 12 PACEs. Videos are available for selected courses. Normally, a student will complete 65 to 75 PACEs in one academic year; however, this will vary according to the student’s ability and motivation. Careful attention is given by the parent and supervisor that each student keeps balance in the subjects in which he is working and that he is completing about the same number of PACEs in each subject — that is, after he has completed his gap PACEs. A student who is more skilled may progress at a faster rate. One who is slower is encouraged to do his best, but is able to work on his level of proficiency and proceed as he is capable. The typical student, then, is working on one PACE in each of five subjects. The PACEs may be on varying levels according to his achievement in each subject and according to the prescription after diagnostic testing.

Curriculum for the high school student includes three levels of math, four levels of English, four levels of social studies, four levels of science, and one level of Etymology.  Twenty-one electives, as well as sixteen advanced courses, may be taken on the high school level for credit.  The fourth level of Math (Advance Math and Trigonometry) is provided by Abeka curriculum.

Mastery Learning and Master Teaching

Studies describing academic problems which students experience in conventional public schools seem to indicate curriculum weaknesses occur most often between third and fifth levels. Junior and senior high school dropouts are usually academic dropouts by the fifth level. If a student’s academic ability is deficient by the fifth level and is not remedied, it usually becomes chronic and permanent.

A student’s academic problems generally occur in this order: reading, mathematics, and then language. When a phonetics base is laid and reading mastery is achieved, most language problems are easily resolved. The same principle used to achieve reading mastery can be applied to problems in mathematics — solid foundations must be established. If the student builds a good base in reading, language, and mathematics skills, he can usually achieve independently in later years.

In conventional methodology involving sight reading, a student may be exposed to material prematurely and not really learn it. When the same material comes around in the curriculum spiral, he has another opportunity to learn it. For some academic details, this is acceptable but not for the basics — the tools with which all other academics are built. In the A.C.E. program, the basics are sequentially introduced, beginning with Kindergarten with Ace and Christi and continuing throughout the first four levels of the A.C.E. curriculum. Each student is required to master each fundamental tool before proceeding to new material. The student builds confidence as he gains a firm understanding of sequential foundational skills.

A conventional classroom teacher must of necessity address the average student. However, a much broader approach is necessary if the above or below-average student is to learn effectively. The A.C.E. curriculum focuses on meeting the precise needs of all students: those of the slow student (around 60 IQ), the average student (around 100 IQ), and the brilliant student (around 140 IQ). In the A.C.E. program, each student is met at his individual performance level, then advanced through the curriculum at his optimum rate of achievement.

Reasons the Program Works

Integration of Biblical Principles

Accelerated Christian Education’s curriculum, with its clearly identifiable biblical goals, is its major strength. A God-centered, theistic philosophy is built into every PACE, where principles of godly character and illustrations of desired character traits are sequenced in cartoon and motivational forms.

Scripture Memory

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalm 119:11).

Line upon line is a proven method of programming biblical truths into students’ hearts (Isaiah 28:10). The Biblical truths contained in each memorized Scripture passage will guide each student when he is mature and more able to analyze and evaluate them.

In each first through eighth level PACE, students memorize a Bible verse which illustrates the corresponding desired character trait. The Bible verse is found in a Bible frame on page 1 of each PACE. Several different activities used throughout the PACE help the student learn the verse. He must be able to quote the verse and its reference from memory before proceeding to the PACE Test. In the ninth through twelfth levels, the Scripture concepts are stressed just as the Scripture content was stressed in the first through eighth levels. In each PACE, students are required to do various activities with the Bible verse. This practice will help students to learn the intended concept or principle.

In addition to memorizing Scriptures in their PACEs, students learn to take responsibility for memorizing an assigned monthly passage. The monthly Bible memory selection is read in unison each morning in opening exercises.

Other Bible memorization programs include suggested awards including the Golden Apple Award (memorizing the entire Book of Proverbs), the Golden Harp Award (memorizing the entire Book of Psalms), the Golden Lamb Award (memorizing the entire Book of John), and the Christian Soldier Award (memorizing the Books of Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians). The Golden Awards may be presented at a school awards program or at the A.C.E. International Student Convention.

A.C.E. Characters

Biblical principles, godly character traits, cartoons, and activities help students learn to interact successfully in society. Within the A.C.E. curriculum, these things focus attention on responsibility, character, and self-discipline. From the cartoons, biblical principles of life are built into the lives of the students, who relate to the various characters and want to emulate their good character qualities. The stories illustrate the biblical principles emphasized in the PACEs. 

The cast of characters is constant, but they grow in age and ability as students progress through the PACEs. Students identify with the cartoon characters, learn from the examples they set, and internalize the godly character traits. This unique feature enhances traditional family values, moral principles, and adds a more personal, human touch.

Many of the A.C.E. characters live in Highland City. As the story unfolds PACE by PACE, students become familiar with and learn to love the characters as they come to life through the everyday experiences illustrated in the cartoon strips. A look at the lives of the characters soon reveals why students read the cartoon strips so avidly.

Students enjoy these cartoon characters because they teach Scriptural principles in a variety of ways — adventure, humor, and heart-warming tenderness. Through the cartoon characters, students see life from God’s point of view. They develop a personal relationship with God and discover their personal responsibilities to family, church, and community.

Character Trait Objectives

The 60 character traits seen in Jesus Christ, the world’s foremost example of how man ought to live, are included in the PACEs. These character traits are used throughout each level of the curriculum. They are presented in poems, songs, in role modeling cartoons, and in activities. In each PACE the student also is required to memorize a Bible verse that teaches the corresponding character quality.

Wisdom Principles (Wisdom Inserts)

Upper-level English PACEs include Wisdom Inserts containing biblical principles that help students see life from God’s perspective. The basic theme of each insert is Wisdom — teaching teens how to walk with God through the 60 ideal character traits of Jesus Christ. These 48 inserts give teens insights on love, dating, faith, responding to authority, finding God’s will for their lives, dealing with abusive or indiscreet people, trusting God, and learning to walk in wisdom and in truth.

Individualized Instruction

Perhaps the greatest academic feature of the A.C.E. core curriculum is that students may progress through the PACEs at their own rate. Because the curriculum is truly individualized, students learn the best way — individually. They learn essential academics and explore truths about God and His world without being pressured to keep up with a group.


To ensure learning in this self-contained system, PACEs include activity questions covering the material presented. Students read a portion of text and complete activities. In upper-level PACEs, cognitive (thought) questions stimulate the student’s mind. He is guided into thinking logically and biblically.

Periodically throughout a PACE, Checkups are presented to reinforce and help the student recall what he has studied. At the end of each PACE, a Self Test provides the student an opportunity to measure what he has learned. After successfully completing the Self Test, he is allowed to take the PACE Test the following school day.

This self-contained system providesreinforcement through questioning, Checkups, Self Test, and final or PACE Test. It has proven to be a sound and effective means of ensuring mastery of academic material.

Godly Character Training

Ongoing character training in the A.C.E. program extends out to the student from several sources. From daily examples of godly living:

  1. The 60 character traits seen in Jesus are incorporated into the PACEs and are described and illustrated in the stories and text.
  2. The cartoons and stories about Ace and Christi exemplify godly behavior and attitudes. The characters make the right decisions in difficult or simple situations. The Teen Life Principles and Wisdom Inserts in upper-level PACEs further encourage godly living.
  3. The school staff is loving, patient, encouraging, motivating, and fair.
  4. Parents love, encourage, and offer godly behavior as a pattern to follow.

From the academic program’s biblical foundation:

  1. PACEs are based on the Word of God. Each PACE stems from a biblical foundation and teaches students the manner in which to work and live.
  2. Monthly memory passages and the Bible verses in each PACE guide the students’ actions and attitudes.
  3. The daily devotion time in opening exercises focuses students on how Jesus taught us to live.

Development of Critical Thinking Skills

The A.C.E. program includes specific forms of material and format which aid the student as he develops his capacity for critical thinking throughout his school years. He is encouraged in his ability to think creatively and independently within a biblical framework. The program is designed to progress students through all six phases in the development of critical thinking skills: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.



A common misconception about the A.C.E. program is that students have little or no opportunity for socialization in the educational setting. In reality, the A.C.E. program provides ample opportunity for students to socialize, both with other students and staff, and with parents and family at all-school events. A weekly average of three hours per school day is devoted to socialization activities, including devotions, P.E., privilege breaks, music classes, and field trips. Not only is there time for socialization during the school day, but sports and other activities also provide interaction between schools using the A.C.E. curriculum.  Excellent opportunities for socializing and enjoying new experiences come at the regional conventions and at the annual A.C.E. International Student Convention.

Results of the Program

Effects on Students

Although other publishers have marketed academic curriculum, no one has produced a life-changing character package like that of A.C.E. Children’s minds develop best in a God-centered environment of absolutes and love. They emerge with a sweet attitude and with a greater, richer concept of God and how He wants them to live.

Academic Achievement      

Academic achievement is one of the greatest strengths of Accelerated Christian Education. Graduates from the A.C.E. program are attending more than 475 colleges and universities globally with outstanding performance. Conventional educational programs take the student through a spiral of material while introducing him to new skills in sequence. Since students are grouped chronologically, they are lock-stepped and receive the same material at the same time. However, students do not necessarily all have the same level of maturity as others of their chronological age, and their natural learning rates are not lock-stepped with other students. As the group uniformly passes from skill to skill in the spiral, the students’ actual learning is relative and their achievement varies. The result is that the above-average student may master the skill the first time he is exposed to it, the average student may pick up part of it, and the below-average student will often grasp only a minimum amount or fail to understand it entirely. As the spiral continues, some students stay out in front while others are left behind for a season (or for good).

The A.C.E. program is designed around a new format: that of building skill upon skill. The scope and sequence ignores the concept of grade level and moves with continuous progress beginning with the first skill to be mastered. Depending on their ability and motivation levels, students may move ahead rapidly or take as long as necessary, but each student masters the material. Students are not locked into a group but progress through the skills as they are mastered.

As the student moves upward, level after level, and the spiral comes around again, he is far better prepared to learn because he has mastered the skill on the previous level. He does not advance until he has mastered each concept. He is not lock-stepped with his classmates but is learning individually and completely before advancing. A.C.E. implements the best of both methods in a unique and effective system.

Because of its excellent track record of positive results, the A.C.E. curriculum is widely used to assist slow learners. Even with these students’ scores averaged in, achievement levels of A.C.E. programs consistently hit the top of the academic spectrum. These results demonstrate that building a strong base of mastery in basic skills enables students to move ahead in each subject.


C.  Course Development

  1. Philosophy

In the A.C.E. curriculum, the student is introduced to God and His creation. Science teaches about God’s physical creation. Social studies present the world as ruled and ordered by God and history as “His story.” Math presents facts about God’s orderly world. English teaches the student the importance of communication in godly living. Word Building and Literature and Creative Writing reinforce English communication skills and provide practice for improving vocabulary and word usage. All PACEs are carefully designed to give the student harmonious academic training from God’s point of view.

  1. PACE to Grade Level Conversion Chart



Grade Levels

PACE To Grade Level Conversion

Corresponding Level of PACEs


Level 1














Level 2














Level 3














Level 4














Level 5














Level 6














Level 7














Level 8














Level 9














Level 10














Level 11














Level 12













  1. Scheduling of Classes

  7:30 a.m. –  7:50 a.m.     Students Arrive

  8:00 a.m. –  8:15 a.m.     Opening Exercises

  8:15 a.m. –  8:30 a.m.     “God and I” Time

  8:30 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.    Academic Time

10:20 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.    Break and Snack Time

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.    Academic Time

12:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.    Lunch Period

12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.      Academic Time

  1:50 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.      Break Time

  2:00 p.m. – 3:05 p.m.      Academic Time for Elementary

  2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.      Academic Time for Jr./Sr. High

  3:05 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.      Clean-up and Dismissal for Elementary

  3:20 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.      Clean-up and Dismissal for Jr/Sr High

* There will be mini classes added as needed during Academic Time.  (P.E., Bible Class, Computer Class, Drill Class, Music, Speech, etc.)

Wednesday: Chapel Service 1:00 – 2:00.  There is no P.E.

Friday: There are no P.E. classes, but those who qualify will have field trips.  Those who do not qualify will remain in the classroom.

E.  Bible Classes

Bible Memory Requirements

Each week students will be required to memorize a passage of Scripture.

Weekly Scripture must be said by Friday.

Students will have one opportunity per day to say Scripture during classroom time.

Students that fail to say weekly Scripture by Friday will receive a letter grade cut for the quarter.

Each day after the due date that Scripture is not said, the student will receive an additional letter grade cut.  When a student acquires a failing grade (F), he/she could be dismissed from school for the rest of the quarter.  All work that had been completed up to the failing grade will have to be repeated. The student will be placed on probation for the remainder of the year.

F.  Homework

  1. The areas of most complaints will arise from discipline and homework. Homework is an important aspect of your student’s schoolwork. It not only reinforces what has been taught, but also teaches children responsibility. Just as we like some free time in the evenings, we must keep in mind that our students need the same free time. They should be given enough work to know that they have a responsibility. EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY GIVE A FAIR AMOUNT OF WORK, EXPECT COMPLAINTS.
  2. Students who do not complete their goals by the end of the day may be required to take their incomplete work home and finish it before the next school day.  However, they may only take PACEs home if they have the supervisor’s permission and have been given a Homework Stamp.

Since completing goals is the student’s responsibility, older students (usually 9 or 10 and older) must be disciplined to request a Homework Stamp.  This procedure should be established at the very beginning of the year and followed throughout the academic year.  Students need to learn that it is their responsibility to set goals and complete the work assignments they set for themselves.  If a students completes their goals during the school day there is no need for homework unless the student is working off level and needs to catch up academically.

  1. Make sure the homework you assign is profitable and has a purpose. Avoid repetitious assignments…”write the times tables”…when the students already know them.
  2. General Guidelines
  3. NO HOMEWORK ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. The only exception to this is when students have been given an assignment on Tuesday night and it was not complete for class on Wednesday or if work on Wednesday was not complete due to laziness or playing around. If there is a problem in this area, please check with the principal.
  4. When there is special night meetings at Lighthouse Baptist Church, homework should be eliminated (includes revivals, banquets, ladies’ meetings, etc.) This does not apply to special meetings of other churches. If several of your students attend a particular church and you are aware of special meetings that week, you may try to keep a load a little lighter that week, but do not commit yourself or our school to that policy. If there is a problem in this area, please check with the principal.
  5. Ordinarily a reasonable time limit would be from about one-half hour in the first grades to a maximum of one hour in the upper grades.
  6. Take into consideration that the time may vary on the completion by different students because of learning ability, etc. When you hear complaints such as “My child worked from the time he came home until 11 p.m.,” you may give parents some of the following suggestions on how to help their child: Does he have an appropriate place to work? Are the TV and radio turned off? Put him to work for 15-minute periods, which does not include going to the refrigerator, etc. Then give a 5-minute break, back to work, etc.

It is not the best method of correction to give homework as punishment or double homework for failure to do an assignment.

You may give parents guides as to how to help their children if need be, but they are not to do the work for them.

Consistent failure to bring in homework or to have it meet your standards should be brought to the attention of parents through a note or phone call.

No homework should be given on nights of programs, etc. During fund-raising, homework loads can be lighter and certain nights omitted.

It is a must for each supervisor to check homework daily. A specific pad to record assignments is required for subjects that are not in PACEs. This assignment steno pad must be signed every night (grades 1-7). Please use one page of steno pad for each day’s assignment.

Do not give homework assignments over new material just covered that day in class.

Make sure your students understand that you consider complete and prompt homework a sign of character and that it is very important to you.

The use of checkmarks (-; +) may be used to influence borderline decisions in grading. They should be used for extra work, etc. 

G.  Graduation Requirements

Grade Point Average

  1. Only solid courses are used in calculating GPA. Examples are Bible, English, History, Science, Math, and Foreign Language. Courses not included in grade calculation include P.E., Music, Business (including Personal Finance, Accounting, Introduction to Computers, Typing, Shorthand, and Office Procedures), Yearbook, and Speech. Audited courses are not included.
  2. Quality Points

(1)     Regular courses

                           A=4   B=3     C=2        D=1  F=0

(2)     Advanced courses (physics, adv. math, or any year of foreign language after the first year)

                           A=5   B=4     C=3        D=2  F=0

    3.  Partial credits

Any time a letter grade occurs on the transcript, it is counted the same whether for full or partial semester.

Graduation Policy

Seniors are required to go to Regional Convention and the International Student Convention, on the Senior Trip and march at graduation in order to complete their graduation requirements at Lighthouse Christian School.


High School Attendance Certificate

Any high school student who has completed 12 years of school but has not completed the required credits for a diploma shall be awarded a “Certificate of Attendance”.


High School Diploma

Lighthouse Christian makes available to all students the programs of study for the required College Preparatory, College Preparatory with Distinction, Technology/Career-preparatory and Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction programs of study.

A course shall count only once for satisfying any Carnegie unit requirement for graduation.  The same course cannot be used to satisfy a Carnegie unit requirement in more than one core area of study.  See the following chart.

Credits Counted

(9-12 Grades)

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION  Requirements for students enrolling in the ninth grade for the first time

              Subject                                                                  Credits

              Bible                                                                          2

              Social Studies                                                            3

              English                                                                      4

              Math (Math I, Math II,  Math III and Adv. Math)           4

              Science                                                                      4

                             Health/Physical Education                           1

                             3 Units of Foreign Language and/or

                            CTAE, and/or Fine Arts                                3

                         Electives                                                         4                                                               Total                                  25

Notes: (1) The total number of credits required for graduation will vary depending upon the number of years spent at Lighthouse Christian School. If all four years are spent at Lighthouse Christian School, a total of 22 or 24 credits will be required. Grade Level is based on credits earned. Twelve PACEs  per subject equal one credit. Only fullor ½ credits are transferable.

III.     Reporting/Report Cards/Records

A.  Grading Scale

Students in the K-5 through 3rd Grade must make at least a 90% or better on each PACE test, or they will have to repeat the PACE  and re-take the test.  This process will continue until the student masters the PACE. Students in Grades 4-12, must make at least an 85% or better on each PACE test, or they will have to repeat the PACE and re-take the test.


                 The following grading scale is used throughout the school:

                             A+       98-100             C+       86-87 

                             A         96-97               C         83-85

                             A-        94-95               C-        80-83

                             B+       92-93               D+       76-79  

                             B         90-91               D         70-75

                             B-        88-89               F          69 & below


An “Incomplete (Inc.)” grade is given when requirements have not been met. A student is given ample time to make up an incomplete grade. If it is not made up within the prescribed time (usually one day of grace for each day absent), the grade changes to an “F”.

B.  Report Cards

Lighthouse Christian School is on a nine-week reporting period. A report card can be picked up by the parent at the end of each parent/teacher fellowship that follows after the nine-week period. If an account becomes delinquent, the report card will be held until arrangement for payment has been made with the Business Office.

C.  Progress Reports

A mid-term progress conference is requested by the student’s supervisor at the half-way point of the nine-week reporting period to discuss your child’s academic progress as well as showing areas of conduct that need to be improved.  Parent Conferences are our way of working with each family concerning the child’s educational, social, physical and spiritual well-being.  At least one parent must come in for an interview with the student’s supervisor or principal at all conferences. Parents are encouraged to communicate with their child’s supervisor on a regular basis. SupervisorsWELCOME OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK WITH PARENTS; HOWEVER, APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE MADE SO AS NOT TO CONFLICT WITH REGULARLY SCHEDULED DUTIES.   The need may arise from time to time for special conferences.  If you would like to have a conference with your supervisor, principal or Pastor Burt, please call the office to set a time.  Please DO NOT call the supervisors at home or discuss school problems during Church services.  If the situation needs immediate attention, then call Mr. Goldsberry or Pastor Burt after hours.  Appointments with administrative staff should not be made until a conference with the supervisor is attempted first, unless there are unusual circumstances. Problems are to be discussed with supervisors and others directly involved. Please do not involve other parents, students, etc., who are not part of the problem or the solution. Students and their parents are kindly asked to refrain from sowing discord by talking to others concerning problems they have with the school or a supervisor. Please know that it is the desire of all the staff of Lighthouse Christian School to solve problems and work toward solutions of any problems involving your children. We will spare no effort to that end.

D.  Permanent Records

The permanent record of each student contains the academic record, immunization record, application for admission, standardized test results and record of disciplinary concerns.  Each year these records are updated with new academic records, standardized test results and disciplinary concerns.  All files are kept in a fire proof cabinet in the office.  The administration and faculty have access to these records.  These records are also available to parents of students.  The permanent record serves as a transcript when a student transfers from Lighthouse Christian School or enters college.  A copy of current students and all graduates records are kept off campus in a rented storage unit.  All inactive students’ records are also kept in the same rented storage unit.

IV.     Library

A.  Purpose

  1.       Support the curriculum
  2.       Encourage pleasure reading
  3.       Develop library research in students
  4.       Provide access to computer for student’s use

B.  Collection

We are continuing building our library by adding new books.  We have a good selection of books on the elementary, junior high, and high school levels.  We encourage our parents to help supply books.

C.  Staff

We currently staff our library with volunteers.  Our administrator oversees the operations of the library.

D.  Cataloging System

The Lighthouse Christian School library uses the Dewey Decimal System to catalog books.  All books checked out are entered on the librarian’s computer under the student’s name and learning center and the due date are noted.

E.  Rules

1.   Our library uses the Dewey Decimal System with corresponding card catalog.

2.   There is a fine for overdue books.

3.   Students may not check out another book if they have an overdue book.

4.   Students may check out two books at a time for two weeks.

F.  Student Use

1.  A library schedule will be posted in the library.  You will need to schedule a weekly visit to the library.

2.  On the first trip to the library, your class will receive instruction on the proper use and care of the library.  Make sure your children are following these suggestions.

3.  Supervisors and students alike should not talk above a low whisper while utilizing library services.

4.  Encourage your students to read. Encourage them to choose books on their level and ask the librarian for her suggestions.

5.  VERY IMPORTANT: Stress the importance of returning books to the library on the appropriate date.

G.  Media

The school has an overhead projector, screen, Classroom Performance System, and VCR/monitors that are available for classroom use.  A calendar for scheduling the use of this equipment is found in the library, and the dates you desire must be posted along with the exact time you wish to use it.  (Please be reasonable in your use).  Any borrowed equipment should be returned to its proper location when you are finished.  Do not leave it in your room overnight.

The office has a current catalog of video that can be ordered.

Students should not be permitted to operate audio/visual equipment unless you are certain they are experienced in doing so.

H.  Computer/Internet

Computer usage in the library is limited to checking books in and out of the library and for research purposes.  Students may only utilize the Internet while under the close supervision of the librarian.

V.        Testing Program


Measurement involves both long- and short-term assessment. A.C.E. provides these services through criterion-referenced tests and normed-referenced tests. This two-part section offers a description and application of those two formats. The two types of testing reveal how a student compares with (is measured against) himself on immediate, subject-specific tasks, the PACE Tests, and how he ranks (or is measured) contrasted to many others in a broad field of students having similar variables (age, range, level, etc.).

Subject tests (the PACE Tests) measure the quantity and quality of the student’s understanding, skill, and progress in specific subjects against the absolute standard of 100 percent of comprehension. Standardized tests (ITBS/ITED to measure achievement and CogAT to measure aptitude) reveal whether a student is progressing as expected when measured against a broad population.

Incomplete on a report card not made up by the time the honor roll list is determined will automatically disqualify that student from the honor roll for that grading period.

If a student has two hours or more of detention during any one week of a quarter or is suspended during the quarter, the student will not be allowed to be on any honor roll, even if he completes all the required academic work.

Classroom conduct will have an effect on a student’s grade.

A total of demerits equaling more than 2 hrs. of detention in one week requires a conference.  The child’s grade is not affected.

The second time a student earns demerits equaling more than 2 hours of detention in one week, the student’s grade could be lowered by one letter (A to a B).  If a student has his grade cut below a “D,” then all work will need to be repeated for the quarter in all subjects.

A.  Measurements in the Curriculum

The A.C.E. curriculum facilitates learning. The combination of quality academics and built-in controls enables every student to attain his highest possible level of scholastic achievement. These controls include the Checkup, the Self Test, and the PACE Test. The Checkup is the student’s measurement of his learning of small segments of the PACE. The Self Test is his evaluation of his understanding of the entire PACE. The PACE Test is the supervisor/teacher’s measurement of what the student has learned.

1.  Checkups

A Checkup is equivalent to a unit test and may be completed either in the Learning Center or at home. Although it is not required, students should be encouraged first to complete all Checkups without referring to the PACE text. The student should answer as many questions as he can, then unanswered questions may be researched and answered. Train the student to use the Checkup as a tool to evaluate his learning—that is, whether he grasped or missed the objectives of that section.

2.  Self Tests

Each PACE ends with a Self Test that measures comprehension of the PACE material. When the student has completed and scored all the activities, the supervisor/teacher, checks the PACE carefully (especially Checkups). In checking the PACE, the supervisor/teacher should ask the following questions:

a. Has the student completed all activities?

b. Has he scored it completely? Are “Xs” marked in the score strip boxes?

c. Has he erased and corrected all mistakes and rescored his corrections?

d. Has he studied thoroughly, especially those areas in which he made errors?

Ask him questions from pages with errors. Students who are being careless and miss questions on a Checkup or Self Test should find the page where the correct answer appears and write that page number next to the question. Or, staff may require him to underline the material. This reinforces his learning and helps staff to spot troublesome sections. Before initialing the Self Test, quiz the student on activities marked with “Xs.”

The supervisor/teacher initials in green the Self Test only when he believes the student understands the material. Remind the student to take the test without referring to the PACE. (Shortcuts will show up when he takes his PACE Test.) He may refer to the PACE only after correcting the Self Test. If he needs to look up 20 percent of the questions, he is not yet ready to take the PACE Test but needs additional help from the supervisor/teacher.

A student who is not ready to take the Self Test should be given specific instructions. “Review the vocabulary,” “Memorize the formulas,” “Review this list of items,” etc. The supervisor/teacher may also need to give the student some individual instruction.

The student scores his own Self Test; 90 percent is the minimum passing score. If he did not do well, he should note his areas of weakness and refer to those sections in the PACE. A student who scores 85 percent or under should be required to review and retake the Self Test. When the supervisor/teacher has reviewed the Self Test with the student and both are convinced he is ready to proceed, the student turns in his PACE and is given the PACE Test on the following school day.

3.  PACE Tests

The following school day, immediately after opening exercises, the PACE Test is pulled from the “To Test” tray and given to the student at the testing table (or media station for a computer-based test) with a word of encouragement from the staff.

Students are not permitted to communicate with other students or have reference material while taking a PACE Test. Staff may not provide academic assistance.

Completed Tests are placed in the “Tested” tray for scoring and posting scores after students are dismissed. When figuring scores on Self Tests and PACE Tests, calculate the number of points on questions missed and subtract from 100.

Each test (paper or computer) is a measurement device, not a teaching tool. If a student scores above 85 percent, he advances to the next PACE. A PACE Test score below 85 percent demonstrates inadequate learning or insufficient mastery of skills. The student who scores below 85 percent is not ready to proceed.

If the student failed the PACE test, place the scored PACE in the “Conference” tray. The following school day, discuss the test results with the student. Attempt to determine why he failed (careless scoring, computation errors, failure to memorize formulas). Do not allow him to study his “old” PACE and then retake the Test. A repeat PACE is necessary or he will begin the following PACE with inadequate preparation and will have gaps in his learning. Do not allow students to see their failed tests. Issue the repeat PACE with a word of counsel and encouragement.

4.  Computer Tests

The student should take tests on paper until his computer skills are at a comfortable level. Tests on paper minimize potential for errors. The student may, however, take the Self Test on the computer to help determine whether he should take a computer or paper PACE Test.

If a student seems uncomfortable with computer testing and fails the test, have him restudy and take the paper test. Do not deduct from the paper test score for questionable testing on computer. If the student fails computer testing, allow him to test on paper for at least six PACEs before trying a computer test again. Avoid frustrating him—testing is an important measurement tool.

Once the student is comfortable with computer testing, a failed computer PACE Test should be treated like a failed paper PACE Test. He should repeat the material with a new PACE. Tests for Word Building (Levels 2–9), social studies (Levels 3–8), and science (Levels 3–8) PACEs are available on CDROM. Computerized tests may require more student time for completion. However, alternate tests may be given for repeat PACEs or may be used as original PACE Tests.  


5.  Teacher Made Tests

Anything below a “C” goes home – paper signed and returned the following day.

Low students may be offered outside extra credit activities in weak areas (with supervisors help).

Once a week give penmanship grades over specific writing projects. Evaluations of overall penmanship, neatness, etc., will be considered in student’s final report card grade.

Papers sent home every week need only include papers that grades are taken from.

Bible test over lessons are one grade, over Bible verses one grade. Do not count off for misspelled words but circle them in red or mark them in some way. (NO ORAL BIBLE TESTS).

Never average less than eight grades per quarter in any major subject.

Test Days. The best “To Test” days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Below-average students often have difficulty with test content on Monday, and taking several tests on Friday can be a hardship for all students. Friday is also usually a fieldtrip day, so less time is available for testing.

B.  Achievement Testing

Lighthouse Christian School maintains a thorough testing program to measure students’ abilities and progress. Results of tests are used to help the administration and faculty work more effectively with each student and to make continual improvements to the curriculum.

All new students will be administered a diagnostic test before placement in a grade level.

Students in first through twelfth grades are given achievement tests each spring, along with a mental ability test. It is recommended that seniors and juniors register for both the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test — commonly referred to as the “College Boards”) and the ACT (American College Test). Since colleges prefer one of these tests, a student is assured of adequate test information if he takes both. It is also required that all juniors take the PSAT which is given in the fall of each year. Parents will be notified in advance concerning the times and places of these examinations.

1.  Measuring Through Standardized Tests

Standardized tests serve two primary functions: (1) helping schools objectively assess the students’ academic potential and progress from year to year with quantifiable test data based on generally accepted models of student academic development and (2) providing schools, government entities, and other interested parties with data on academic performance whereby comparison can be made on various levels including comparisons between schools, school districts, counties, states, and even nations.

2.  Basic Testing Services

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED) will be administered in the school each April for Grades K through 12. Completed tests are returned for computer scoring to enhance the credibility of the testing program. The school will receive reports for student records and parent conferences in about five weeks.

Annual testing results demonstrate that students are achieving an education comparable with or superior to education in public and secular private institutions. 

3.  National Achievement Tests—Iowa Test of Basic Skills/Educational Development

The Iowa Assessments have been designed, developed, and researched to support a variety of important educational purposes. These purposes require the collection and use of information that describes either the individual student or groups of students.

Identifying the testing purposes that are most important to your school or district will provide focus and help you determine how best to interpret test results. The following examples of appropriate uses of results from the Iowa Assessments show how the tests can support a broad range of educational decisions. 

Identify strengths and weaknesses – Make relative comparisons by content area of student performance for both groups and individuals. 

Inform instruction – Make student-centric decisions about personalized instruction. 

Monitor growth – Measure change in student performance over time, both at the group and individual level, with a valid and reliable scale. 

Determine college readiness – Compare student achievement levels to established benchmarks, tracking academic preparedness. 

Measure mastery of core standards – Determine the degree to which students have mastered core learning standards, such as Common Core State Standards. 

Implement Response to Intervention (RTI) – Identify students who may benefit from intensive, systematic learning interventions. 

Inform placement decisions – Place students into appropriate groups, levels, and programs. 

Make comparisons – Compare student performance to that of local, state, and national groups according to research-based evidence. 

Evaluate programs – Guide administrative evaluation of the effectiveness of instructional programs, professional development, and curriculum. 

Predict future performance – Apply current assessment results to project student performance on future assessments and adjust programs accordingly. 

Support accountability – Provide reliable and valid data to support district and state reporting requirements. 

National Aptitude Tests – CogAT Eighth Edition:

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) consists of three batteries that provide separate scores for the following reasoning/learning abilities: verbal, quantitative (numerical), and nonverbal. 

  • Verbal abilities covered include verbal classification, sentence completion, and verbal analogies.
  • Numerical abilities covered include quantitative relations, number series, and equation building.
  • Nonverbal abilities covered include figure classification, figure analogies, and figure analysis.

Combining achievement tests and learning ability tests will help you develop reasonable expectations for your student’s progress, based on his or her abilities. Once you discern whether your student is reaching his or her academic potential, you can understand how to tailor your teaching to your student’s learning style.

Helpful Tip: Never underestimate what a child can do or accomplish.

4.  Administering Standardized Tests

Supervisors administering the tests should carefully follow the Directions for Administration (DFA) for each grade level. Personally completing one of the tests will help staff members become aware of potential difficulties.  Several days in advance of the test, inform students and parents of the date and purpose of testing. Testing times and days required to administer the tests vary depending on the level. Each DFA includes a time chart that gives the approximate time for each section and will assist the school administrator in structuring the testing schedule. Since this is an untimed test, times may vary from student to student.

As a basic guideline, kindergarten and Grades 9-12 take two mornings.  Grades 2, 5, and 8 should be administered over a 4 morning period. All other grades should be administered over a 3 morning period. 

If possible, avoid testing on days preceding or following holidays or weekends. Administer the CogAT on a separate day from the ITBS/ITED. Both tests should be administered in the morning while students are mentally fresh.

For both the ITBS/ITED and the CogAT in Grades kindergarten through third, the answers are marked in the test booklets. All other grades have one separate answer document that covers all test booklets. All students should be tested in groups of fewer than 25 per grade level. Grades 9-12 can be tested together and all other grades should be tested individually. The students should be given time to work on each segment as long as they are actively working on answering the questions. However, as an administrator, you may end a child’s test if he has gone 30 minutes beyond the estimated time for a segment. Provide a quiet, well-lit, and comfortable environment and eliminate as much distraction as possible. Encourage students to do their best, but reassure them that no one will know all the answers.

Accurate test reports will be obtained by following the Directions for Administration. Students must understand the directions before beginning each test segment. As the test giver explains the directions, he should walk around and observe whether or not students understand the directions.  After starting the test segment, help may be given to individuals only to clarify directions or to find the right place on an answer sheet.  In your records, document any indication that a student may be upset, ill, panicked about the test, or distracted. This information will be useful to school administration and parents if a student does not score well. The school may need to have a makeup session, and this should be done as quickly as possible.

Test givers should watch the students as they fill out identification data.  The student name, date of birth, level of test, and grade level of student cause more delays at the scoring center than any other errors. Also, watch the students during testing and immediately after testing, check the answer documents for correct identification data, extra marks, bubbles that are too light, and double bubbles.

5.  Low Performance on the ITBS/ITED/CogAT

Consideration should always be given to the possibility that a student may not score well on the ITBS/ITED or CogAT when he is progressing well in the PACEs for various nonacademic reasons including the following:

1. He was upset for some reason.

2. He did not feel well.

3. He may have “frozen” on the test and scored poorly.

4. He was distracted.

5. He was given the wrong test for his age.

6. His test was scored with the wrong group.

7. He did not bubble his identification information correctly.

8. He did not make solid marks on the answer sheet, and the computer failed to record the answer.

9. He marked two answers for the same question, causing the entire answer to be wrong.

Law of Learning #5:

The pupil’s learning must receive recognition and REWARD for its value, effort, and significance.

10. Extraneous marks on the answer sheet caused a skewed score.

11. His developmental level may differ from his academic level.

12. The ITBS/ITED test is based on the scope and sequence of public educational curriculum. Because the scope and sequence and the philosophy of the A.C.E. curriculum are different from those of conventional schools, the student answered questions incorrectly because he had not yet learned the material or had not been exposed to the concept.

13. A computer error occurred during scoring and tabulation.

Refer to the information given on the Stanford 10 Home Report to assist the parent in understanding what needs to be done to help the student in the future.

6.  Using ITBS/ITED/CogAT Test Results

a. Staff Use.Legitimate staff uses of standardized test results include the following:

• To identify the gifted student.

• To identify the slow learner.

• To determine the potential for academic success and to set student expectations.

• To guide students in career and vocational planning.

• To correct cognitive skill weaknesses that may be affecting student achievement.

b. Parent Use. Understanding the ITBS/ITED/CogAT scores also can be useful for parents. Informed parents can better understand, encourage, and assist their students.

Schedule a conference to explain the results with the student and his parents. Give the parents one copy of the Home Report where each score is explained in detail.  (Ask them to save the report for comparison from year to year.) Answer any questions they have.  Discuss the student’s general performance, praise his achievement, and discuss ways to strengthen his weaknesses. The conference should result in agreement on goals for future academic learning — perhaps additional PACEs or computer software to drill and strengthen weak skills. 

VI.     Program

A.  Chapel and Assemblies

Each Wednesday there will be a chapel service. The primary purpose of chapel is to promote spiritual growth in the students and to promote the unity of the school. The following are the procedures for entering and leaving assemblies and chapel:

1.  Students are to be dismissed in lines and escorted by the supervisor to the auditorium. A chapel seating chart will be made.

2.  There is to be NO TALKING by students in the auditorium.

3.  For regular chapel service, second through sixth grade students should bring their Bibles. (It is much easier to encourage the students to listen and not bring their Bibles, but this can be used as another avenue to promote spiritual growth. Unless otherwise instructed, no pencil and paper). Lower grades need not turn to reference in Bible…supervisor discretion to be used.

4.  Supervisors should remain with the students during the chapels or any other meeting in the auditorium unless special permission from the principal is given.

5.  Dismissal from the auditorium should be conducted in an orderly manner. Classes will be dismissed individually and escorted by the supervisor back to the classroom.

6.  Be observant of student behavior in the auditorium.

7.  Observe posture. Be observant of the handling of song books and Bibles. Some situations can be corrected by a stern look, shaking of the head, tap on the shoulder. If the problem is very disturbing, take the student from the auditorium and correct the problem. Some situations will need to be corrected after the assembly. Instruction in the classroom beforehand will eliminate most problems.

8.  Classes will sit in specified sections, unless directed otherwise. (These assignments will be given later).

9.  Instruct your students that it is not proper to clap in chapel after sacred numbers.

10. NEVER should there be any booing or whistling in assemblies of ANY type. Any student who does this at any time should be sent directly to the principal after chapel, with a note or word of explanation. If he is not available, be sure to deal with the situation in a serious manner. This should be discussed with your class and emphasized as a serious offense.

11. Supervisors need to instruct their students to behave in a respectful manner toward any guests performing either in chapel or an assembly.

12. The atmosphere in the auditorium, of course, will depend largely upon the type of assembly being conducted. Supervisors and students will be aware that conduct accepted during an enthusiastic candy sale assembly will be quite different from that of a chapel service.

13. Enthusiasm can be generated and expressed in a proper manner without being rude or destructive.

14. If a last hour assembly is called, all classes should have their belongings together and placed on their desk tops. They will be dismissed first to return to their room and get their belongings.

15. Arrive on time. If an assembly or chapel is scheduled for 1 p. m., be in the auditorium and seated with your class; 4-12 grades should arrive 5 minutes before chapel; K5-3 grades should arrive 3 minutes before chapel.

16. Do not allow anything to detain student from chapels or assemblies. No one should arrive late for any reason.

17. All supervisors are required to attend chapel unless prior approval to miss is given by the principal.

18. The primary purpose of chapel is to promote spiritual growth in the students and to promote the unity of the school.

19. Each learning center will be in charge of a chapel program once a year.

20. A seating chart will be made up for chapel for each learning center.

21. Each supervisor will be responsible for writing demerits being tardy, no Bibles, slouching, and not paying attention. 

B.  Music

We have a special musical at least once a year put on by the elementary students.  Students audition for speaking parts and special songs.

All students of the age of ten to nineteen are required to participate in the Deep South Regional Student Convention which has lots of musical competition.  Example:  Solos, duets, trios, ensembles, instrumentals, etc.  Supervisors help in matching students with the areas in which the supervisor feels the student would do well.  Students are encouraged to minister in churches, nursing homes, and chapel services.

C.  Plays/Dramas/Speech

All students of the age of ten to nineteen are required to participate in the Deep South Regional Student Convention which has lots of Speech, Dramas, and Plays as competition.  Example:  Radio Program, One-Act-Play, Famous Speech, Poetry Recitation, Dramatic Dialogue, Clown Acts, Illustrated Storytelling, Dramatic Monologue, Expressive Reading, Puppets, etc.  Supervisors help in matching students with the areas in which the supervisor feels the student would do well.  Students are encouraged to minister in churches, nursing homes, and chapel services.

VII.     Field Trips

A.  Purpose

Weekly (Local)

Upon occasion, and at the discretion of the Administration, all students may have an opportunity to participate in local field trips with the fulfillment of minimum requirements.  However, to participate in regular weekly field trips, student must be on “L,” “C,” or “S” privilege level. 

Quarterly (Out of town)

A student must be on A or B honor roll.  They must maintain  academic balance for the quarter and quote the weekly Scripture on time.

B.  Procedures

  1. Field trips are to be brought to the principal’s attention BEFORE any plans begin. You will receive the date of your field trip no later than noon. Write a note of request, stating the place, date, and purpose.
  2. No more than one field trips will be permitted in a week. There should be educational and recreational field trips
  3. Permission slips must be signed by parents for each child and in the possession of the supervisor the day before leaving on the field trip. The slips should be on the bottom of a letter written by the supervisor communicating the details of the trip to the parents at least one week in advance. Use designated form.
  4. Ask far enough in advance that transportation can be easily secured. A driver will be secured for you. Give request to office.
  5. BEFORE asking parents to help, check with the principal.
  6. Avoid signing up on a day when another class is already signed up.
  7. Standard school dress code applies to all field trips.
  8. Any change of school dress code must be approved in advance by Mr. Principal.
  9. Remember, since field trips are school-sponsored activities, you are responsible for student and conduct.
  10. Supervise cleanup, etc., following activity. Be sure you leave the premises just as you found them, or better.
  11. No field trips and/or activities will be approved before or after school hours on or off campus. (Group or partial group activities for rewards, incentives, etc.)
  12. A detailed outline of specific times – that is, arrivals, departures, etc., needs to be submitted the day before.
  13. If a child comes dressed inappropriately for a field trip, send a note to your principal.
  14. Supervisors must have one set of “Emergency Cards” with them at all times on the field trip.

C.  Follow-Up

Instructional field trips are utilized to provide experiential learning and reinforce classroom concepts.  Teachers are instructed to provide reflection activities after each field trip.  Reflection may include discussion, report writing, oral reports, or letter writing.

VIII.  Extra-Curricular Activities/Awards

A.  Awards

1.   Honors Graduates

Honors graduates are those students who have a 3.0 average (4-pt. scale, solids only) for grades 9-12 at the end of 15 quarters. Those with a GPA close to 3.0 will also be calculated after the 16th quarter grades are in.

2.   Advanced course grades

Extra quality points according to the grade in advanced math, physics, physiology, and foreign language II.   Example:  A=5 pts. B=4 pts.

3.   Honor Roll

Honor Roll recognizes academic achievement in each quarter.

1.  Categories of Honor Roll

a.  Pastor’s Honor Roll

All grades are A+, A, or A-

b.  “A” Honor Roll

All grades are A or B and the average is at least an A.

c.  “A/B” Honor Roll        

All grades are A or B and the average is a B.

d.  “B” Honor Roll

All grades are A, B, or C and the average is a B or higher.

4.  Valedictorian or Salutatorian

Valedictorian is the first-place GPA, and Salutatorian is the second..

5.   Lamp of Learning

The Lamp of Learning Award is given to the one student in the High School Learning Center having the highest grade-point average for that year only (4 pt. scale). All students who wish to be eligible for Lamp of Learning honors must take a minimum of 4 solid subjects out of a possible 7 each year.

Solids which must be taken in 4 years at LCS to graduate:


Social Studies…………………………………..4




Computer Technology/Fine Arts…………1

Foreign Language…………………………….2   

                           Total                          20



6.   Other Awards

People tend to work harder when they anticipate personal benefit; an important principle of A.C.E. is rewarding achievement. Students who complete academic goals earn rewards (stars, privilege status, green dots). Other suggestions for encouraging academic achievement are given below.

a.  Congratulations Slips

For immediate recognition of PACE success, Congratulations slips should be passed out by the pastor/administrator each school morning during opening exercises.

b.  Weekly Field Trips

Students should earn the privilege of attending a weekly field trip or special activity, and requirements should be diversified enough to enable all students to qualify. Avoid setting requirements too high or using the same requirements too often. Suggested requirements are as follows:

• two stars for the week

• academic balance at week 3, 6, and 9

• monthly Scripture

• predetermined number of pages completed by whole student body during the week

c.  Privilege Area      

Designate a special area/room “PRIVILEGE AREA” to be used by students who earn privilege status. It should be near the Learning Center to facilitate supervision. Equip it (table tennis, video player, game tables, and books) and decorate it (bright, cheerful, and uplifting character and privilege posters, colorful scenes on calendar and pictures, etc.).

d.  Scoring

Students on “C” and “E” privilege status do not require the supervisor/teacher’s permission to score.

e.  Honor Roll and Honor Roll Outings

Special Honor Roll recognition and outings reward students for high achievement. See Section for more details on the Honor Roll privilege.

f.  1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 Clubs

Each student who scores 100 percent on a PACE Test becomes a member of the 100 Club. Ten 100s moves him to the 1000 Club board; twenty to the 2000 Club, etc. Provide a special 100 Club item for display in his office, small 1000 Club trophy, and larger 2000 Club trophy. All items can be displayed in individual student offices.

g.  Athletic Awards

A special athletic award program is provided in the spring to give recognition and rewards to students for their achievement in athletics.  Awards vary depending on the sport.  Parents and students are invited to a special banquet with lots of food and fun.  Usually a special speaker will be the main part of the program.


B.  Organizations

National Christian Honor Society (10-12th Grade)

Lighthouse Christian School is a member of the American Christian Honor Society. Members of the Honor Society are selected on the basis of testimony, scholarship, character, service, and leadership. Qualified members are chosen by a scholarship committee with a heavy emphasis on the grade-point average (3.3 [B]out of a 4.0). A student may be dropped from membership if he fails to maintain all of the required qualifications.

Quota Club (5-12th Grade)

Lighthouse Christian School is a member of the Azalea City Quota Club Charter.  We focus our dedication and service to the senior community.  Students are encouraged to volunteer their personal time to serve others and their community.  Many students volunteer right here at Lighthouse Christian School, their church, or neighborhoods. Lighthouse Quota students are required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of service annually or an average of 7 hours per school month to participate in Quota activities. Those students that complete over one hundred hours of service are recognized at the end of the school year, as well as, being invited to attend the 100 hour field trip.   

          *Being a part of the ACE ministry and curriculum, each year the students raise money for the BLESS Program.  The BLESS program is active in reaching out to indigent and underprivileged children in countries around the world, such as the Philippines and India. BLESS Centers teach children reading and basic math skills but, most important, introduce them to Jesus Christ through God’s Word. This 12–15 week program culminates with the reading of the Gospel of Mark.  The students have successfully raised enough money to start two BLESS schools.  More information may be found HERE.

C.  Activities – Including Sports

Students participating in extra-curricular activities will wear the prescribed clothing or athletic uniform. Shorts are not acceptable dress for either boys or girls.  While participating in regularly scheduled athletic practices or games, students may wear the customary uniform of the sport. Following the activity or athletic event, the participants must change into clothes which conform to the regular school dress code, except when the permission of the activity coordinator or teaching coach has been obtained to remain dressed otherwise.

Student spectators at athletic events must wear clothing which conforms to the school dress regulations.

Dress appropriate for school field trips will be designated at the time the trip is authorized.

Girls’ formal dresses to be worn at banquets for school activities must conform to the dress code, i.e., no strapless, spaghetti straps, see-through, or low-cut dresses may be worn. Homecoming and Jr./Sr. Banquet gowns must be checked by a lady supervisor at least one week before the activity in case changes need to be made.

1.  Student Conventions                                                                  

All students ages 13-19 must attend the Regional Student Convention.  Students are allowed to choose six performance events, such as music, athletics, speech, and dramatics.  They may also choose six events that are non-performance, such as photography, needle/thread, and arts.  Students must place in first or second place in order to compete on the international level.  The International Student Convention is optional to everyone.

2.  Participation in Sports

Only eligible students may participate in inter-scholastic athletics.  The athletic program consist of girls volleyball and boys and girls basketball.  A student must be on academic balance for each quarter. The number of PACEs will be checked at mid-term (progress report) and end (report card) of each grading period. Students who become ineligible for extra-curricular activities will remain so until the student is back on academic balance. At least one game must be missed if this occurs.

A student will also forfeit the right to participate in at least one game if he has two hours of detention in any given week.

3.  Booster Club                                        

The Lighthouse Christian School Booster Club is a group of parents and interested friends who have indicated a desire to be a special help to Lighthouse Christian School through daily prayer and regular financial contributions for the ongoing operation of the school. Membership drives are held each fall. Membership is open to anyone with a desire to promote and support Lighthouse Christian School.

4.  Parent/Teacher Fellowship

Lighthouse Christian School has a Parent/Teacher fellowship at the end each nine-week period.  Each Learning Center has a special program.  Refreshments are usually provided afterward. A report card can be picked up by the parent at the end of each parent/teacher fellowship.  These fellowships are designed to help keep the parents sold on Christian Education.

5.  Parties            

a.  Birthday parties are not allowed for each student. Cupcakes, etc., may be passed out at supervisor’s discretion. Any candy must be a readily consumable type (no hard candy). No red or blue colored drinks.

b.  There are two parties each school year – Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

c.  These parties will be discussed in a general staff meeting at least one week in advance.

d. An end-of-the-year party may be desired if time permits. Special permission must be secured from the principal.

e.  There should be no parties other than those already discussed.

f.  Before asking parents to help, CHECK with the principal.

g.  Surprise parties given by students are not allowed. If you are in question, please ask.

h.  The policy is this: NO PARTIES other than Christmas or Valentine’s. Any eating or drinking in the classroom for any reason must be approved in advance.

6.  Annual Grandparent’s Day

Lighthouse Christian School sponsors a Grandparent’s Day Luncheon in September every year.  Each Learning Center has a special part in the program.  The older students provide a meal and serve as waiters to honor each Grandparent present.  Special gift are provided to each grandparent.  These fellowships are designed to help keep the parents and grandparents sold on Christian Education.

D.  Advisors/Coaches

Before securing part-time or full-time people to work in any area, the person in charge must submit the name to the appropriate pastoral staff person for approval.  Names will be discussed at the pastoral staff meeting before approval is given.  The pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church makes the final decision on hiring all employees.